Shaun Carson

Great asset! Clean, eazey/peazey to copy/paste. Great work RMA!

Leah Baynes-Bettger

I am happy to report that, after only 3 days, I have already received my first lead from the web-site and I am scheduled to speak with them this afternoon.

Mimi Kates

I found by accident. I have many past clients that I asked to write testimonials; they were more than happy to email them. However, I find having reviews straight

Cari Keeling

Rate-My-Agent has been directly beneficial to my business. Almost from the day, I signed up, I have had many calls to list or purchase a property directly from this site,

Ashley Lindquist

Hi David! I love the badges. I think they’re great and I use them in lots of my advertising. I have it displayed on my website, and I have it

Tina Iftody

I have used the badges for several years, I added them to my email signature and social media.  I don't know specifically if they've helped, I haven't had anyone mention

Lorne Tuplin

I have sold 2 properties so far as a result of people checking out my reviews.

Jess Nakrayko

Thanks for reaching out. What perfect timing. I just picked up two (2) new listings over the past couple of weeks because of my reviews on So they definitely

Miranda Caldwell

I am considering a Premium Profile subscription, and I've actually noticed a number of new leads coming my way since creating a profile on the site, so thank you for

Anna Litvak Joseph

Thank you very much. I love your site! It actually helps me get leads calling me!